Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: August 10, 2006
Members Present Members Absent Guest
Bruce McNaughton, Chair Thomas Maher Travis Gould
Jeff Perry, Vice Chair Dwight McIntosh
Corinne Babcock, Secretary Gus Gesuado
Kirsten Helper
Darren Flewelling
Charles Merrill
Delores Butler
Old Business
New Business
Item 1
Minutes from July 10, 2006 needed to be fixed
· Need to fix the attendance list
· Minutes didn’t say whether or not the last application was approved
· Need to put in the 100 year flood guide lines in the minutes.
Item 2
Dwight McIntosh – Shore land Zoning Application
· Wants to jack up his camp, put a 12inch slab underneath it, and then
· 25ft from the water/ 109ft from the road.
· Jeff Perry stated that if McIntosh is in the non-conforming that McIntosh is required to set the camp back from the water to what is considered appropriate.
· If McIntosh moved the camp back he would have to move the septic system and the well also. Moving the septic system back would mess up the drive way, making it so that he would not have a drive-way.
· Kirsten Helper stated that the question is whether or it is practical or not to move the camp back.
· Moving the camp back would cost McIntosh several thousand dollars and therefore is not practical.
· Travis Gould stated that he went out to the camp and looked it over. He also stated that it was not practical to move the camp back and that McIntosh was not breaking any building codes.
Bruce McNaughton Made the motion to approved. Charles Merrill seconded the motion. All approved
Item 3
Gus Gesuado – Shore land Zoning Application
· Wants to put up a garage across the road from his camp.
· Mr. Gesuado isn’t doing anything on the lake side of the road.
· The garage is not going on a slab therefore Mr. Gesuado is required to show on his building permit where he is putting something in for erosion control.
Bruce McNaughton Made the motion to approved. Kirsten Helper seconded the motion. All approved
Item 4
· Travis Gould stated that he had some questions for Deshane and that he tried to get in contact with him and is still waiting to hear from him.
· The camp is on the peninsula and that Deshane has to comply with the 100 ft set back.
· The property may be in resource protection.
· Members of the planning board had questions and concerns.
Tabled until next meeting.
The next meeting is:
September 14, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Corinne E. Babcock