Planning Board Meeting Minutes
Members Present Members Absent Guests
Betty Bridges, Chair Charles McKay
Cliff Hatfield,Vice President Darrell Miles
Terry Moore, Secretary Dave Buchstaber
Kirsten Hepler George Hockstadter
Vonnie White Travis Gould
Charles Merrill, Associate Albert Withee
Jeff Perry, Associate
Ms. Bridges called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Old Business
Ms. Bridges asked the Board members if they approved the April 13, 2006 meeting minutes. Ms. Hepler made a motion to accept the minutes and Mr. Hatfield seconded the motion. All were in favor to approve the minutes as written.
Ms. Bridges introduced Mr. Jeff Perry as the Planning Board’s second Associate Member. She explained that Associate members vote when appointed by the Board to fill in for an absent regular Board member. Board members can refer to the Planning Board Bylaws and the Establishment of the Planning Board Ordinance, both updated in 2005, for all Planning Board policies and procedures guidance. These are located in the Town of Stetson ordinance book and in the Planning Board files.
Item 2:
Ms. Bridges opened the meeting with the hearing for the Deer Run Field subdivision on Burleigh Road.
Ms. Bridges noted that the fire pond recommended by the
Stetson Fire Department and requested by the Planning Board, needed to be added
to the subdivision map. Mr. Miles, the
subdivision owner’s surveyor, presented the map to the Board. He stated is was about
Ms. Hepler asked if Mr. Tracy, the Town Fire Chief, had a chance to look at the fire pond. No one at the meeting could confirm this.
Ms. Bridges stated that the primary concern was a turnaround for the trucks. Mr. McKay reinforced he had the heavy construction vehicles to develop the cul-de-sac turn around area for the emergency response vehicles.
Ms. Bridges then reinforced that it was important to verify with DEP that all was in order with the fire pond development process. Ms. Bridges and Mr. Gould confirmed they would contact DEP regarding the fire pond.
Mr. Perry then noted that there are associated fees for fire ponds of a predetermined acreage.
Ms. Bridges commented that Mr. McKay paid all Final Plan fees on April 18th.
Ms. White asked about the easement. Ms. Bridges responded that she had spoken with Mr. Carroll. Mr. McKay gave permission for the Fire Department to cross the easement on his property.
Mr. Merrill, the town Road Commissioner, will plow up to the hydrant. The cost of the fire hydrant comes out of the Town’s fire hydrant budget.
Ms. White asked if there was any other documentation needed before the subdivision is voted on for approval.
Mr. Perry inquired about the size of the lots. Ms. Kirsten reinforced that the minimum lot
size is in the Town Building Code. It
Mr. Perry asked if the soil tests were completed. Ms. Bridges confirmed the soil test borings were done.
Ms. White asked the Board if the Performance Standards checklist was required. Ms. Moore noted that the applicable items in the Performance Standards checklist would be addressed as “conditions of approval” (fire pond and road/cul-de-sac to fire pond) in the “Notice of Decision” letter.
Mr. Hatfield made a motion to approve the Final Plan as complete. Ms. Hepler seconded the motion. All were in favor.
All Board members signed the required subdivision maps. Ms. Bridges will complete the findings/”Notice of Decision” letter for the subdivision, mail copies as required and file a copy in the subdivision file. She will also notify the town to refund all unused monies to Mr. McKay. The Town Office/CEO will follow through within 90 days to register the subdivision with the servicing Registry of Deeds office. The secretary will move the file to the completed subdivision files in the Town Office.
See attached copy on “Notice of Decision” letter dated May 11, 2006.
Item 3:
Ms. Bridges introduced Mr. Withee who made application for a Shoreland Zoning Permit.
Ms. Hepler noted that there were no indications on the
permit of the distance from the shore line.
After some discussion, Mr. Gould, the town CEO, noted that the
construction would be
The Board referred Mr. Withee to the CEO to get a building permit. Mr. Withee acknowledged this requirement.
Ms. Hepler noted that Mr. Withee had begun construction prior to obtaining a permit and asked that in the future, he acquire permits prior to commencing construction.
Item 4:
Ms. Hepler asked the Board what encompasses a watershed area—a great pond like Pleasant Lake (Stetson Pond)? Mr. Gould, CEO, stated that if within any area water “sheds” into the pond, it is considered within a watershed area.
Ms. Hepler recommended the Board clarify this for future reference.
Item 5:
Ms. Bridges asked if there were any comments on the Land Use Ordinance public hearing. The Board expressed their disappointment and discouragement with the hearing being used as a political platform and to more specifically, undermine the Planning Board’s credibility.
Ms. Moore commented that Mr. Hipsky, Town Selectmen, managed the meeting professionally given the challenging circumstances.
Item 6:
Ms. Bridges asked Mr. Gould, CEO, what we can do as a team to get all the required Shoreland Zoning Permit Application information prior to Planning Board meetings in the future.
Ms. Moore recommended we secure samples from Hermon and Newport to review what they use as an application. She noted our’s is a standard sample format, that if possible, could be simplified and still meet state and federal shoreland zoning requirements.
Ms. Hepler asked Mr. Gould if a worksheet would help to complete the form. Mr. Gould stated he gives or mails the application to the applicant. Then, once returned, he reviews it. He stated he understands that the application should stop there until it is accurately completed.
Ms. Hepler also noted that Mr. Withee did not need a Shoreland Zoning application.
Ms. Moore distributed a copy of the full-page advertisement posted by an individual who violated shoreland-zoning ordinances. Although, the violations were not at town-level oversight, the significance of adhering to the shoreland zoning laws is evident. Ms. Hepler asked the CEO if he was giving out the Permit by Rule applications should someone ask for it. Mr. Gould stated that he did.
Item 7:
Ms. Bridges noted that there is a Citizens Planners Resource kit on the MMA web site, free to Planning Board members. Mr. Perry will research the web site for Planning Board members.
Ms. Hepler made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Ms. White seconded it. All Board members were in favor.
The next meetings
June 8, 2006 7:00 p.m. Planning Board Meeting at Stetson Library
Conference Room
Please notify Ms. Bridges in advance if you cannot attend a meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry F. Moore
1. Copy of Notice of Decision Letter dated May 11, 2006
2. Updated Subdivision Process Timeline dated May 25, 2006
3. Shoreland Zoning News Spring 2006
4. Department of Environmental Protection Shoreland Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 1000,
Amendments dated May 1, 2006