Planning Board Meeting Minutes


Meeting Date: September 14, 2006


Members Present                              Members Absent                   Guest


Bruce McNaughton, Chair                    Corinne Babcock                     Gus Gesuado

Jeff Perry, Vice Chair                                                                           Jim Petty  

Kirsten Helper                                                                                      Alice Adams

Darren Flewelling                                                                                  Alan Adams

Charles Merrill                                                                                      Jim Deshane

Delores Butler                                                                                      Roy Flewelling Sr.

                                                                                                            Roy Flewelling Jr.

                                                                                                            Malinda Costongway

                                                                                                            Richard Costongway


Old Business




New Business


Item 1


Minutes from August 10, 2006 needed to be fixed

·        Need to make it clear that owner needed to install a silt fence.

Item 2


Mr. Gesauldo – Shore land Zoning Application

·        Wants to install a deck on the backside of his house.

Bruce McNaughton asked the board for a motion to accept.  Darren Flewelling 1st the motion.  Charles Merrill second the motion.  All accepted


Item 3


Jim Petty – Shore land Zoning Application

·        Wasn’t on the agenda

·        Wants to construct a 10x12 storage building. 

·        Board agreed to hear the it due to the fact that by the next meeting Mr. Petty was going to be in Florida

Bruce McNaughton asked the board for a motion to accept.  Jeff Perry 1st the motion.   Darren Flewelling second the motion.  All accepted.


Item 4


Syliva Roberts – Shore land Zoning Application

·        Wants to remove the existing structure and put up a new structure

·        Mr. Perry talked to DEP and visited the site

·        Mr. Perry advised Ms. Roberts on what she should do.

·        Tabled until next meeting


Item 5


Timothy Deshane- Shore land Zoning Application

·        Travis Gould stated that he had some questions for Deshane and that he tried to get in contact with him and is still waiting to hear from him.

·          The camp is on the peninsula and that Deshane has to comply with the 100 ft set back.

·        The property may be in resource protection.

·        Members of the planning board had questions and concerns.

·        Mr. Deshane was advised to meet with the CEO and with DEP

Tabled until next meeting.


Item 6


Roy Flewelling Sr. – Subdivision

  • Advise only on subdividing his lots
  • No action taken




The next meeting is:


            November 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,





Corinne E. Babcock
