Date:  January 12, 2011

Cancelled – Rescheduled for

January 13, 2011



The meeting was opened with Don Carroll leading the Pledge of Allegiance.  



Donald Carroll, Brenda Clark, Lois Hawes, George Hockstadter, and Terry White were present.




1.     Approve Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes of December 22, 2010

 Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by Lois Hawes, it was unanimously voted to approve the December 22, 2010 Minutes.





            D.   WARRANT


1.        Payroll Warrant – Approve warrant  #  35 & 36

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrants #35 and #36.


2.        Expenditures – Approve warrant  # 37

Upon motion by Lois Hawes, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant #37.


Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by George Hockstadter, it was unanimously voted to transfer $10,000.00 from the undesignated funds to the checking account.


Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by George Hockstadter, it was unanimously voted to pay the Central Maine Septic bill for the portable toilet in the amount of $58.50.






Diane gave a report on the MMA insurance risk inspection.  Consensus of the Board was to have an Electrician inspect the questions dealing with the CFCI codes at the Fire Station and the emergency lighting in both locations.



1.         Brown Foreclosure

Mr. Brown has not paid the remaining $8,002.00 for the property in which he was the winning bid located on the Mullen Road.  Mr. Brown had signed a “Good Faith” Letter stating that his deposit of $2,000.00 would be forfeited if he did not pay the balance by January 1st of 2011.

Upon motion by Lois Hawes, seconded by Terry White, it was voted 4 to 1 to put the property back out to bid.  Lois Hawes abstaining from the vote. 





A.  ANIMAL CONTROL       Nothing.                                

           B.  APPEALS BOARD         Nothing.

C.   CEMETERY        Nothing.

D.   CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER   Nothing.                                 

            E.  E911         Nothing.

            F.  EDUCATION       Don Carroll will be attending the up-coming Budget hearings at the school and get the updates.  Don informed the Board if they have any questions to forward them to him and he will present them at the meeting.

            George Hockstadter also questioned if the school closed, would it be turned back over to the town?   Yes it would be turned back over.

            G.  EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE    Nothing.                   

            H.  EMT/RESCUE    Nothing.

             I.   FIRE DEPARTMENT

            Kim Tracy was present to explain and express his concerns dealing with the letter the board received from the Town of Etna dealing with the Town of Stetson being billed for First Responders from Etna responding to Stetson.  Kim stated that it was his opinion that Etna continually wants to isolate themselves, and that they will not be toned out by Stetson.  Kim also informed the Board that Newport has also joined a mutual aid agreement with the Town of Stetson.  The Town of Stetson will not be billed, unless we call Etna to respond.  Kim has written a letter to Penobscot Regional requesting that Etna not be requested to respond for Stetson.  Kim stated that Etna has dropped out of the County Wide Mutual Aid agreement and the Tri-Town Agreement. 

            Don Carroll stated that the Town of Stetson should keep track of the number of times we respond to Etna for future reference.

            Kim also stated that Stetson does not answer EMT calls to Etna.


            Kim also reported that the rescue truck was brought in for inspection and it failed inspection.  It is going to cost approximately 5 to 6 hundred dollars to fix.  Don Carroll informed Kim that there is still over $7,000 in the Maintenance Fund.               

            J.  MEETINGHOUSE          

K   PARKS & RECREATION     The next upcoming event will be Easter.           

L.  PLANNING BOARD       Nothing.       

            M. PLUMBING INSPECTOR         Nothing.

N. RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE COLLECTION         Don Carroll stated he counted 14 bins and has received calls requesting 2 a month collection, but our contract is through June for only once a month.           

            O. ROAD COMMISSIONER           John Biggar was not present.

P.   STATE LEGISLATIVE CORRESP      Don Carroll reported that the Legislature is back in Session, and there is a meeting on January 26, 2011 in Augusta.

Q.   TREASURER     Diane reported that there are presently 43 Automatic Forecloser Notices going out in the mail next week.  The Board also signed the Overhead Door maintenance contract.

R.   WELFARE DIRECTOR                        The Board would like me to ask if the applicants have second heat sources.


Marlene Webber stated it is disrespectful to ride the snowmobiles across the Memorial grounds and dangerous because the skies of the sled could get caught under the benches.

T.    OTHER   

U.   Diane gave the Board the latest revised Personnel Policy, and requested that the Board preview the update and asked that the Board point out which (if any) sections they would like forwarded to MMA Legal for a legal opinion.  MMA does preview whole policies for legal opinions.


Diane also reported that the attorney has returned her call and apologized for being out of the office both for the holidays, and for personnel reasons.  He also stated that he has retrieved the files from the previous years, and will get back to us in about a week on where the town should head with the “tree” issue on the Merrill Road. 

Brenda Clark questioned who actually marked the trees for removal? Don stated that John Biggar and Richard Webber marked the trees to be removed.


Don Carroll addressed the issues dealing the Webber property located across from the Town Office and the fact that they have blocked the Snowmobiles from crossing this property.  Don Carroll stated that the issue at hand with the land has nothing to do with the town officials or the town office.  The issue at hand is between the Property owner and the Snowmobilers.  Alan Brown being present, stated that the trail has been there since 1970 and does not see the reason for having to re-route the trail now. 

Marlene Webber stated the trail was not blocked because of a feud, but because of the new business they are starting.  A car sales lot needs to have a certain amount of square footage.

Don Carroll also stated that he has received threatening phone calls and rumors that some residents are starting a petition to force the hands of the Selectmen to ensure that all town business over $5,000.00 be put out to bid, including the snow plowing contract.

Marlene Webber stated that one issue has nothing to do with the other and no one in town has placed a phone call to the Webbers requesting permission to cross their land.  Alan Brown stated that he did speak to Mr. Webber himself and Mr. Webber said no. 

Don Carroll then noted this situation needs to be put to bed!!!!!


V.           TRAINING



VI.          PUBLIC COMMENTS    

Melodie Bellefleur stated that she would help Brenda Clark with the cleaning and repairing of the flags.  Brenda stated that the flags are now $22.00 each, the poles are $18.75 each, and the holders are $8.75 each.

It was also noted that the office needs all 3 flags replaced on the poles located outside the office.



Brenda Clark questioned the Delate Road, and why it is blocked again.  Lois Hawes stated that it is against the law to block a Public Way and it needs to be unblocked.  A Public Way, needs to be opened to the public.  Don Carroll also reported that Connie Merrill feels her shrubs and mail box was intentionally hit by the plow.  Don stated that he does not feel anything was done intentional.  Both Lois and Brenda went and looked at the damage done.  Marlene Webber stated that the plow truck met an oil truck and there was no room to pass by.




Personnel Matter 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(A)

Upon motion by Lois Hawes, seconded by George Hockstadter, it was unanimously voted to go into Executive Session at 7:20 p.m. to deal with a personnel matter 1M.R.S.A sec 405(6)(A).

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to come out of Executive Session and enter back into Public Session at 7:38 p.m.

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was voted 3 to 2 to give both Cathy and Patty a 1% raise.  (George, Terry and Don voting Yes, and Brenda and Lois voting No.)





Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:50p.m.









____________________________________Donald Carroll


____________________________________Brenda Clark


____________________________________Lois Hawes


____________________________________George Hockstadter


____________________________________Terry White







Minutes recorded by;

Diane Lacadie