Date:  January 26, 2011




The meeting was called to order by Don Carroll leading the Pledge of Allegiance.



Don Carroll, Brenda Clark, Lois Hawes, George Hockstadter, and Terry White.




1.     Approve Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2011

  Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to Approve the January 13th minutes with the following corrections:

1.     Page 2, Item III #1: “voted 4 to 0 with 1 abstaining”

2.     Page 2, Item IV Letter F. “Take out last sentence “Yes it would be turned back over.”

3.    George Hockstadter also noted that the previous $2,000 deposit received by Jim Brown would not apply to any new bid on the property.





            D.   WARRANT


1.        Payroll Warrant – Approve warrant  #  38 & # 40

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrants #38 and #40.


2.        Expenditures – Approve warrant  # 39 &  # 41

Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by George Hockstadter it was unanimously voted to approve Warrants #39 and #41.


Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to transfer $48,000.00 from the Undesignated Account to the Checking Account to cover the expenses of the Warrants.

It was also NOTED that Town Checks are not to be paid to individuals if involving a Business.  Ie, AA Alarm Company.



Assessing Agent Danielle Smith had 3 Abatements and 3 Supplementals for the board to consider and sign:

Abatements                                           Supplementals

                 Raymond Fletcher        $73.67            Raymond Fletcher $55.60

                 Raymond Fletcher        $163.29          Christi Carton          $156.18

                 Charles Henward          $24.66            Charles Weeks        $143.85



 George Hockstadter addressed the Board his concerns dealing the Personnel Policy:

George feels that unused Sick Time Benefits should be paid to the employees at the end of the Year as an incentive to not use sick time and as a benefit to the employees for some extra income at the end of the year.

Terry White stated this is definitely something for the Board to consider and asked that the board be given some time to think about it.

George Hockstadter also stated that Vacation Time should be held to a maximum of 3 weeks no matter how many years of Service.

The Board felt the allotted time in the policy is pretty much standard and would leave as is in the policy.






A.  ANIMAL CONTROL       Nothing.                                

           B.  APPEALS BOARD         Nothing.

C.   CEMETERY         Nothing.

D.   CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER               Nothing.                                

            E.  E911         Nothing.

            F.  EDUCATION        Nothing.

            G.  EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE                Nothing.       

            H.  EMT/RESCUE                Nothing.

             I.   FIRE DEPARTMENT                Nothing.

            J.  MEETINGHOUSE           Nothing.

K   PARKS & RECREATION          Nothing.

L.  PLANNING BOARD       Nothing.

            M. PLUMBING INSPECTOR          Nothing.

N. RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE COLLECTION         Nothing.                  

            O. ROAD COMMISSIONER    The Road Commissioner was not present.

P.   STATE LEGISLATIVE CORRESP      Don Carroll attended the meeting in Augusta and the biggest discussion was on the new Building Code.  Also discussed was; Discouraging Illegal Dumping sites, a bill for schools to follow one design, a bill to extend the school year an additional 20 days, an Excise tax bill, a bill to prohibit carrying a concealed weapon even with a permit into public meetings, and also a bill to prohibit sex offenders from being within 2500 feet from a school instead of the present 750 feet.

Don also mentioned to Richard Webber the proposed law “Cut Curb Law” on the minor and major collector roads.    

Q.   TREASURER     Diane reported that there were 63 certified mailings dealing with Automatic Foreclosures, approximately 20 of those were to Mortgage Holders.

R.   WELFARE DIRECTOR                       Diane reported that General Assistance is very busy right now with the cold temperatures.

S.   MEMORIAL COMMITTEE        It was noted that there are no fresh snowmobile tracks since the “No trespassing” signs have been put in place.

T.    OTHER   



V.           TRAINING

No training, but it was noted the new Real Estate Sketch Program is in place and working well.


VI.          PUBLIC COMMENTS    

Marlene Webber noted that Nancy Watson has passed her test.  The Board stated that they were aware of that.  Marlene also inform the Board that there is now a Committee for Stetson Days in place, and that they have had their first meeting.

Stetson Days is scheduled for July 30, 2011

Marlene stated that there is a problem getting access to electricity for Stetson Days.  There is no longer power at the yellow building adjoining the Post Office.  Don Carroll stated he would call CMP and see if there is a possibility of temporary poles.

The new Committee Members for Stetson Days are as follows:

1.            Marlene Webber

2.            Rita Alee

3.            Gerald Button

4.            Theresa Barriault

 5.         Nancy Watson

 6.         Temi Kosciusko



Robert Frappier questioned why the fence has not been repaired at the Local Junk Yard in Town.  Frappier stated that fixing the fence was a condition of the permit and should be done.  Don Carroll stated he would check on the status of the fence.

Mrs. Frappier questioned if the Town of Stetson foresees a “pay as you go” trash program as some other towns have gone to?  Don Carroll stated that it may be worth some looking into.



Lois Hawes stated “that she would like to bring to the attention of the Board that we have hired Diane to run this office, and office related issues should be addressed with Diane, not with one of us.”  The Board agreed that the running of the office was Diane’s responsibility unless there was a need for the Board to step in.






Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by George Hockstadter, it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.







____________________________________Donald Carroll


____________________________________Brenda Clark


____________________________________Lois Hawes


____________________________________George Hockstadter


____________________________________Terry White




Minutes recorded by;

Diane Lacadie