Date:  February 23, 2011




The meeting was opened with Don Carroll leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 



Don Carroll, Brenda Clark, Lois Hawes, George Hockstadter, and Terry White.




1.     Approve Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes of February 9, 2011

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to approve the February 9, 2011 minutes.





            D.   WARRANT


1.        Payroll Warrant – Approve warrant  # 45

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant # 45.


2.        Expenditures – Approve warrant  # 46

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant # 46.


Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to transfer $15,000.00 from the undesignated account to the checking account to cover the Warrants.



Aurill Tasker was present and expressed his concerns about his Mullen Road residence being foreclosed on by the Town.  The Board explained to him that the foreclosure time schedule is set by the state, and the town must abide by that schedule.  It is the precedence of the Town to allow the previous owner to regain owner ship within 90 days by paying all taxes due (a total of 4 years).  Mr. Tasker also questioned how the trailer next door retained a building permit without his knowledge where he and 2 others are part owners of the property. CEO could answer those questions.


Don Carroll also reported that the State’s Valuation is up 12 million dollars and the 2011 Assessing for the Town has not started yet to see where the Town falls within the State’s Values.




1.    Everette’s Landing

The Board discussed the next step in the Everett’s Landing issue.  George Hockstadter stated he had not had time to talk to Charles Merrill as he previously stated he would.  Both Terry White and Brenda Clark felt it was time to let the issue go for now.  Although residents are complaining that the road is to narrow, and there are vehicles off the road, there is no more the town can do at this time.  Choices to be looked at are, Emanate Domain, and paying fair market value for 8 feet on each side of the road.





1.    Municipal Mowing Contract

Consensus of the Board was to put the Contract out for bid the 1st meeting in March, and to have the bids due back the 2nd

 meeting in March to start the April contract dates.


George Hockstadter also questioned the Snow removal contracts.  Don Carroll stated that those contracts would be discussed at the budget meetings on March 7th and March 14th at 9:00 am.  Don Stated that he feels it is too late to go out to bid, but there is a difference of opinion for 3 year contract.  Don questioned if the people want to go out to bid for 3 years on the larger contracts, and year by year on the smaller contracts?




A.  ANIMAL CONTROL       Nothing.                                            

           B.  APPEALS BOARD          Nothing.

C.   CEMETERY           Nothing.

D.   CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER   The Health Officer has posted the Notice of Uninhabitable living conditions notice on the Mobile Home on the Mullen Road.                                           

            E.  E911           Nothing.

            F.  EDUCATION  

                        1.         School Closing Information

                        Don Carroll attended the meeting and reported that not much information has been formalized.  Don was in favor of closing the school before attending the meeting, but not anymore…The savings would only be approximately $160,000 in a 10 million dollars budget.  That is only 2% of the budget.

            Lois Hawes stated that $160,000 is a high ball park figure.  If the school does close, it will be by a referendum vote.

            Melodie Bellefleur stated that a community school it a bigger value than a lot realize it is.  Parents do not like the idea of their kids being transferred long distances.   More information to come at the next School Board Meeting.

            G.  EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE    Nothing.       

            H.  EMT/RESCUE                 (see Fire Department below)

             I.   FIRE DEPARTMENT                 Fire Chief Kim Tracy questioned his authority to call for a Road to be sanded in the event of an Emergency situation in Town.  The Department ran into that situation last week when they had an Emergency Call, and not only were the Town’s Emergency Vehicles stuck, but the ambulance was also.  This situation was on a private road, and Mr. Tracy was not sure of what to do in a situation like that.  Consensus of the Board, Mr. Webber, and Mr. Biggar would to do anything possible to help in those situations.  The Emergency crew could call at anytime when in need during the time of an Emergency.


            Kim Tracy also questioned if the Board would like to be involved in the event that a  new Fire Chief is voted on.  Don Carroll stated that the Board has never been involved before, but Terry White felt there should be some over-sight.

            J.  MEETINGHOUSE           Nothing.

K   PARKS & RECREATION          Nothing.

L.  PLANNING BOARD         Some Planning Board Members will attending an up-coming training and at the February Planning Board Meeting the Board discussed the Certificate of Occupancy Permit and came up with a recommendation for the Board of Selectmen to be presented at the March 9th Selectmen’s Meeting.

            M. PLUMBING INSPECTOR          Nothing.

N. RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE COLLECTION         The Town at this point owes approximately $2,000.00 for under tonnage fees. The town is approximately down 177 tons.                           

            O. ROAD COMMISSIONER   John Biggar was present and stated they he is just waiting for mud season.  The roads are posted and are in good shape going into Spring.  Also noted was “if the temperature is below 32% (freezing) for 3 consecutive hours and there is no standing water” the posted roads can be traveled upon.

            Richard Webber reported to the Board that there is only 500 to 600 yards of salt/sand mix left.

P.  STATE LEGISLATIVE CORRESP   Don Carroll attended a meeting in Augusta and informed the Board of the new potential laws in session at this time.  Some are good and some are bad (Dons has the copies if the board would like to read them), but none of them have been passed at this time.    

Q.   TREASURER     Foreclosures were closed as of today.             

R.   WELFARE DIRECTOR                         Nothing.

S.   MEMORIAL COMMITTEE         Nothing.

T.    OTHER    Diane Lacadie passed out the latest draft of the Personnel Policy to be reviewed by the Board.


V.           TRAINING

Planning Board training coming up in March.


VI.          PUBLIC COMMENTS    

Jim Palmer requested to have the snow pushed back or removed on Everett’s landing.  Don Carroll explained the town is only allowed to maintain the driving surface to safe and passable conditions.









Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:20p.m.



____________________________________Donald Carroll


____________________________________Brenda Clark


____________________________________Lois Hawes


____________________________________George Hockstadter


____________________________________Terry White



Minutes recorded by;

Diane Lacadie