Date:  April 13, 2011


Public Hearing


5 PM – 6PM


(Board Members present for Budget Hearing were Don Carroll, Brenda Clark and George Hockstadter)

Don Carroll reported the upcoming proposed budget to the public and asked if there were any questions or concerns:  The only questions were dealing with the proposed closing of the school and concerns of contractual services going out to bid.




The Meeting was opened with Don Carroll leading the Pledge of Allegiance.



Donald Carroll, Brenda Clark, Lois Hawes, George Hockstadter, and Terry White.




1.     Approve Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes of March 23, 2011

 Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to approve the April 13, 2011 Minutes.





            D.   WARRANT


    Payroll Warrant – Approve warrant  # 53 & # 55

 Upon motion by Lois Hawes, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant #53.


Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant # 55.



    Expenditures – Approve warrant  # 54 & # 56

Upon motion by Lois Hawes, seconded by George Hockstadter, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant #54.

Warrant #56 enclosed a bill from Charles Merrill for pushing the banks back on Everrett’s Landing.  Connie Merrill being present explained that process needed to be done.  Although this work was not approved prior to work being completed, the consensus of the Board was to pay Charles Merrill’s bill.

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant # 56.


Consensus of the Board was to transfer $4,000.00 from the undesignated account to the checking account to cover the above warrants.




1.            Imhof Rd – Willima Villari property

Don Carroll explained that the above property has been foreclosed on by the Town.  It consists of 123 acres with lake frontage.  It sold 5 years ago for $135,000 and the 90 day waiting period will be over in May.  Don suggests that the Town does extensive Legal research into searching for any relatives or heirs to this property prior to doing anything with the property.




1.   Open Bids for Mowing and Cleaning


Municipal Bids:

1.     Top to Bottom                                $2,500.00

2.    Joe Gray                                           $6,000.00

3.    Tyler Jenkins                                  $1,500.00

4.    S&S Energy                                     $5,695.00

5.    Thibodeau Lawn Care                  $1,450.00

6.    Complete Home Maint.                 $5,500.00

7.    Wolf River                                         $4,995.00

8.    Walt Gagnon                                    $1,600.00


Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to award Thibodeau Lawn Care the Municipal Mowing Contract in the amount of $1,450.00


Cemetery Bids:

1,        Thibodeau Lawn Care                   $5,565.00

2.            Complete Home Maint.                 $10,800.00

3.            Joe Gray                                           $15,600.00

4.            Tyler Jenkins                                  $6,160.00

5.            Top to Bottom                                 $8,000.00

6.            Walter Gagnon                                $6,300.00


Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to award Thibodeau Lawn Care the Cemetery Contract in the amount of $5,565.00.


Cleaning Bids:

1.    Central Maine Cleaning                      $3,600.00

2.    McCarthy Family                                  $7,920.00

3.    Richard Managle                                  $5,940.00

4.    Wayne Hawes Sr.                                 $4,500.00


Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to award the Cleaning Contract to Wayne Hawes Sr. in the amount of $4,500.00.



1.    Salt Bid

This was an invitation to bid from Penobscot County.  Don will fill out the paper work and send it in.


2.    Bangor Humane Society Contract

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to sign the contract.




A.  ANIMAL CONTROL       Don Carroll addressed the letter that the board had received concerning a dog complaint.  The opinion of the Board was this was a “dog at large” complaint and the dog was not a threat.                                 

           B.  APPEALS BOARD         Nothing.           

C.   CEMETERY         Put a notice in the Rolling Thunder to remove decorations that are no longer of value.  The cemeteries will be cleaned up the second week of May.

D.   CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER    The assessing for 2012 has started and there is another 4 to 5 weeks before completion. 

            E.  E911             Noted Post office issues concerning apartments.

            F.  EDUCATION        There has been a vote to close the school and more information and dates are to follow concerning the next step in the process.

            G.  EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE    Nothing.          

            H.  EMT/RESCUE    see below

             I.   FIRE DEPARTMENT    Kim Tracy was present and stated the Fire Department elections for Officers will be held in June.

            J.  MEETINGHOUSE            Connie Merrill was present, and the Board requested that the Meetinghouse Trustees be contacted and asked to meet quarterly and if interested in being appointed for another year.

K   PARKS & RECREATION          Baseball is being started, and the upcoming Easter party is this Saturday.

L.  PLANNING BOARD       Certificate of Occupancy to be completed for April 27, 2011 Selectmen’s meeting.

            M. PLUMBING INSPECTOR           Nothing.

N. RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE COLLECTION         Nothing.                    

            O. ROAD COMMISSIONER  Not present.


Q.   TREASURER    Workman’s Comp report and refund of Good Standing:     Refunds received for Stetson    2009           $ 82.00

2010           $118.00

2011           $297.00

            Good Job to the Town of Stetson

R.   WELFARE DIRECTOR                        Nothing.                 

S.   MEMORIAL COMMITTEE         Looks Nice / Thank you Marlene Webber.

T.    OTHER    Nothing.       


V.           TRAINING       Robert Frappier attended the training for the Board of Appeals.  Marlene Webber cancelled her training.



VI.          PUBLIC COMMENTS    


1.            Kevin Daigle – RE:  Tasker Property

John Williams and Kevin Daigle were present and requested an extension of the above foreclosed property and to pay $3,000.00 by the 24th of April and the balance in 90 days (from May).

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, the extension was unanimously granted.


Connie Merrill:  Questioned who gave John Biggar and Richard Webber permission to mark the trees on Everett’s Landing.  Don Carroll stated that he did, “we wanted to clear the side of the road and push the snow back, but your husband said no.”  Mrs. Merrill stated that Charles Merrill should have been asked or notified before they did the marking.  Don Carroll replied by stating, “we assumed we had a right-of-way, but found out we do not, we can only maintain the surface of the road width.”  Brenda Clark stated that the Oct. 28, 2010 minutes state that there would be 40 to 45 trees in question, but 108 are presently marked?  Don Carroll stated the lack of communication will not happen again, we also should have been notified before Charles did the work down there and submitted a bill.


Melodie Bellefleur:  Questioned why the Board approved paying Charles?  Melodie remembered when Mark Merrill put calcium on the road and that bill was not approved to be paid.  The informed Melodie that calcium is personnel for dust reasons, and snow removal is because of a hazard.


Delores Butler:  Stated Don Carroll seems to approve a lot on his own.  The Board informed her that they previously voted to have Don make the decisions on road issues in between meetings.


Donna Archer:  Questioned when the plowing and recycling bid will be put out to bid, is it before Town Meeting?  Don Carroll explained that the contracts are approved contingent on Town Meeting approval.  Don stated that if both parties (Board of Selectmen and Contractor) are willing, any contracts can be extended a year.  Don also stated that we (the town) would be hard pressed to find contractors that we are happier with than the ones we have now, Webber does a fine job and the roads, and Jerry Sullivan is very dependable and has agreed to extend his contract with no increase.


Connie Merrill:  Remembered that it was requested one year to put a vote out to the residents about the possibility of buying our own equipment, has anyone researched that?  Don Carroll informed her that it was put to a vote and it was denied.


Donna Miles:  Questioned when would be the next time there will be names added to the War Memorial out front, she would like to have her Father’s name added to the stone.  Don stated that we will put an ad in the News Letter notifying residents that it is being done.  Donna also questioned the potential School closing.  Don stated that it was voted to close the school during the budget process, but now it will be voted on by the town by referendum.  The Stetson residents have a  10 day window in which to write their concerns to the Department of Education, and then a 20 day window in which to hold the referendum vote.


Brenda Clark:  Addressed the Board and the Public by reading a letter she had written addressing her concerns as a Selectmen and a resident.  Highlights being, respect amongst Board Members and Residents at all times.  Brenda felt that some concerns were not being properly dealt with and that “we all” need to work harder in the job that we were voted into office to do.

Lois Hawes:  Lois also stated that her disappointment is “pure conduct” with both some of the board members and some of the residents. She is tired of the name calling and nothing settled that the board is dealing with.  Lois noted a senior citizen called the Webbers to complain about a mailbox being knocked down and was told “that she was so old; she probably could not see the mailbox.”  Lois also noted the tape recording of the meeting with Terry White, Don Carroll, Richard Webber and Marlene Webber by saying, “she is a crazy woman and her brother (Willy) is even worse.  Lois felt that those comments and issues should not have been brought up by the person or persons conducting the meeting. Lois felt those that were conducting the meeting should have not only made those comments, but should have stopped any of those comments being made.  Lois stated, (quoting the tape recording) “I can be as bitch, but I am not crazy.”  Lois also confirmed that she is not running for Selectmen again, not because of name calling, but because the lack of respect from some fellow Board Members and some residents.  Lois feels that Charles Leighton whom is running for Selectmen will be respected and heard if elected.




  Personnel Matters   1 M.R.S.A. §405(6)(A)

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to enter into Executive Session for Personnel Matters 1 M.R.S.A. sec405(6)(A).


Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by George Hockstadter, it was unanimously voted to come out of Executive Session and back into Public Session and to take no action at this time as the result of the Executive Session.













Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by George Hockstadter, it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m,




_______________________________Donald Carroll


_______________________________Brenda Clark


_______________________________Lois Hawes


_______________________________George Hockstadter


_______________________________Terry White









Minutes recorded by;

Diane Lacadie