Date:  May 11, 2011





The meeting was opened by Don Carroll leading the Pledge of Allegiance.



Donald Carroll, Brenda Clark, Lois Hawes, and George Hockstadter.  (Terry White was out of Town)




1.     Approve Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes of April 27, 2011

2.     Approve Special Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes of May 6, 2011

Upon motion by Lois Hawes, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to approve both the April 27, 2011 and the May 6, 2011 Meeting Minutes as written.





            D.   WARRANT


    Payroll Warrant – Approve warrant # 60

Upon motion by Lois Hawes, seconded by George Hockstadter, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant #60.

    Expenditures – Approve warrant # 59 & # 61

Upon motion George Hockstadter, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant #59.

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Don Carroll it was voted 2 (George and Don) to approve Warrant #61, and 2 (Brenda and Lois) not to approve Warrant # 61.

Lois Hawes questioned the payment to the Attorney office (Farrell, Rosenblatt, & Russell) Lois felt that the advise needed dealing with Public Information had all ready been given by MMA Legal and the town did not have to spend another $87.00 for the same information.


Lois Hawes also stated that she will not approve the $720.00 that was submitted on the bill from RJ Webber dealing with the Burleigh Road and Loon Cove.

Brenda Clark stated that she will not approve the $1,620.oo that was submitted on the bill from RJ Webber dealing with the Coboro Road and Mount Pleasant Road.

Results of Warrant Approval:  All checks could be released because the above vote would allow 3 to 1 on both Farrell, Rosenblatt & Russell and RJ Webber’s checks.

Consensus of the Board was to transfer $100.000.00 form the checking account to the Undesignated Account.



Don Carroll reported that the Assessing should be completed in the next two Wednesdays. ( May 29, 2011)



1.    Tax Acquired – Mullen Road Property – Extension

Mr. Ready (winning bidder) contacted Don Carroll and requested an Extension on his balance of the bid until May 31, 2011.  Mr. Ready was aware that extensions had been given before and also needed the extension.  Don Carroll stated that would see no problem granting the extension until May 31, 2011, but if the balance ($7,600.00) is not paid in full by May 31, 2011 then Mr. Ready will forfeit his $200.00 deposit.

Consensus of the Board was to allow the extension until May 31, 2011.


2.    Certificate of Occupancy

Consensus of the Board was to table this agenda item for a full Board.  Don Carroll did report that he had spoken with MMA and was informed that the Certificate of Occupancy will be part of the New Building Code and needs to be in place for all building permits, not just the permits needing Bank financing as the Planning Board had intended.



The Board signed a letter thanking Ernest Desrosiers for his years of service monitoring Pleasant Lake and reporting the Water Quality Summary every year to the Town of Stetson.

(Lois Hawes requested that the spelling of her name be checked and verified by the office concerning documents that require signatures from the Board)


A.  ANIMAL CONTROL       Nothing.                                

           B.  APPEALS BOARD         Don will put the word out in the News Letter requesting more members.

C.   CEMETERY    Don Carroll reported that the inmates have been raking leaves in the cemeteries all week.  Two cemeteries have been completed and the Coboro Cemetery will be worked on tomorrow.  If they do not complete Coboro cemetery, then the Board will have to hire someone to finish the cemeteries before Memorial Day.  Don also stated that we need someone to fix the lawns at the Town Office and the Meeting House. 

Don also requested that the office keep a file of the actual ads that are placed in the Rolling Thunder news paper for future reference.

D.   CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER   Nothing.          

            E.  E911             Nothing.

            F.  EDUCATION        Don reminded the Board and the Public of the informational meeting taking place May 12, 2011 at 7:oo pm at the Meeting House and encouraged all to attend.

            G.  EMERGENCY PREPARENESS COMMITTEE       Nothing.          

            H.  EMT/RESCUE    Nothing.

             I.   FIRE DEPARTMENT    Nothing.

            J.  MEETINGHOUSE           Lois Hawes stated that the church that is renting the Meeting House should be thanked for the excellent job that they are doing at keeping our building clean and taking care of it the way we would all like to see.

            Connie Merrill being present, stated that the Meeting House Trustees would meet as often as the Board of Selectmen would like them to meet.

K   PARKS & RECREATION         Nothing.       

L.  PLANNING BOARD       Nothing.

            M. PLUMBING INSPECTOR         Nothing.


            1. Gat report             

Don Carroll reported that towns have until July 1, 2011 to change their present GAT (Guaranteed Annual Tonnage).  Don suggested that the Town of Stetson lower their figure.  Don explained that the Town is not penalized for going over the amount committed to, but are penalized if we are below the amount committed.  In 2009:   772 Tons was reported,  in 2010 657 Tons was reported.  Last year (2011) the Town went with 835 GAT and we did not meet that number.

Consensus of the Board was to table further discussion for a full board to be present.

            O. ROAD COMMISSIONER           Not Present

P.  STATE LEGISLATIVE CORRESP        Waiting on proposed laws regarding Foreclosures and GA and how they will affect the towns.

Q.   TREASURER     Nothing.

R.   WELFARE DIRECTOR                        Nothing.                                          

S.   MEMORIAL COMMITTEE        Nothing.

T.    OTHER   

Appointment of Election Clerks:

      See attached list:

Consensus of the Board was to appoint the list provided by Diane Lacadie.



V.           TRAINING





Carolyn Merrill: questioned when the holes will be patched on Lapoint Road.  She noticed that some holes have been done, but when being done there is a lot of water and the patching does not stay in place.  Connie also stated that when MEN are present at a meeting, their hats should be removed!  Connie reminded the Board that Mr. Webber is not the Road Commissioner, John Biggar is and noted that the Merrill Road is in terrible shape.

Don Carroll: stated that the present detour is destroying our roads, and he has contacted Michaud and Collin’s office to request a temporary waiver for the weight increase on the interstate from the present 80,000 lbs back to 100,000 lbs. 

Charles Leighton:  stated that he feels the Boards priorities in dealing with the roads are off.  Charles felt that the purchase and the placement of culverts are not an emergency and could be completed at a later date when and if more funds were available.  Charles questioned the work on the Blasidell Road being a dead-end road,  questioned the end of Mt Pleasant road being done twice, and questioned the shape of the Coboro Road from all the new homes on is a disgrace.  Charles also stated that the roads are not being graded properly, the water is setting in the middle of the roads, the roads should be crowned.

Charles also questioned how the “Road Maintenance” and “Road Improvement” differ in how they are dispersed.  Don Carroll explained that the amount of monies set forth for the “Road Improvement Acct” is decided at Town Meeting.  Don went on to explain that “If you change a culvert to a DIFFERENT size, then it is Road Improvement, if you change a culvert to the SAME size, then it is Road Maintenance.  Don also informed the public that John Biggar is the one to decide what he needs to complete the work at hand.   Charles stated, “that may be true, but reminded the Board that it is up to the Board of Selectmen to hold the purse strings and should watch those purse strings in the best interest of the Town”.

Don Carroll:  informed the Board that Terry White (not being present) had received a complaint on the Merrill Road to be graded, and stated that it is going to be done in the near future.  Don also stated that he will pass the concerns  of the priorities and will keep a closer eye on the dollar figures.

George Hockstadter:  Stated that Coboro, Mt. Pleasant, and Blaisdell Road need work and the Board should sit down with John Biggar and discuss and set priorities.

Brenda Clark:  Coboro Road is graded and smooth, Scott Webber done a good job, but there are piles of sand on both sides.  Brenda also stated that by Mr. Babcock’s is not graded, and Brenda has had to replace struts and rims on her vehicle.  Brenda feels that a lot of the Town’s money is out in the ditch.

Randy Randall:  Stated that Coboro Road has  a pile of dirt on both sides a foot high.  The road is worse this year than last year. Randy also reported that the Coboro Road sign and pole are missing, it was just leaning over, but since the road has been graded, the sign is missing.  Randy also questioned if there is a way to provide a ride to the hospital for his grandmother instead of calling 911.   This type of instance does require a 911 call and an ambulance to arrive on scene.

Connie Merrill:  reported that Kelley Merrill had called Terry White about grading the Merrill Road, Everett’s landing, and Albert’s point.  The residents have waited a week and the road has not been done.  Connie requested that Kelley Merrill be aloud to grade the road?  Marlene Webber spoke up and stated that it has been extremely wet, but Mr. Webber will be there by the end of the week to grade the roads.  Connie stated they cannot wait another week and she would prefer that Kelly Merrill do the work.

Consensus of the Board was to allow Kelley Merrill to do the grading work on Merrill Road, Everett’s Landing and Albert’s point; the town does not have a contract with Mr. Webber for all road work.

Carolyn Merrill:  also questioned if Mr. Webber has a contract with the town for grading.  Carolyn was told “No”, John Biggar hires the road work, and anything over $5,000 goes out to bid.

Randy Randall:  stated that the roads were a lot better when Mr. Merrill was doing them.

Delores Butler:  stated that there is no way Mr. Webber worked 9 hours  on the Coboro Road grading on April 29, 2011 as his bill stated.

Brenda Clark:  stated that Mr. Webber was on Coboro Road at 8:30 am and gone by 4:00 p.m.

Don Carroll:  stated that Thibodeau, Merrill and Webber all have graders in town.  Maintaining dirt roads is not an easy job and we have had the same complaints for the past 20 years and will continue to have the same complaints.

Lois Hawes:  stated that Thibodeau had a gift for grading but believes he is now retired.  Lois stated that there is also someone in Corrinna that does a “cracker jack” job.

George Hockstadter: stated he also sees piles of dirt on the side of some roads.

Don Carroll:  will talk to John Biggar and Richard Webber.  There is a school for grader drivers, and the school will actually bring the grader to your town and it operators of surrounding towns and teach them the proper way of grading.  This information has been given to Mr. Biggar  before, but it has never been taken advantage of.

Charles Leighton:  questioned the “$5,000.00 bid limit” and asked how many times this process has been taken advantage of and the work actually gone out to bid?  Don Carroll replied by stating, “Blaisdell, Burleigh, and Coboro have gone out to bid in previous years.  Charles again questioned how all the work is being kept under the $5,000 bid mark???

Tina Randall:  also stated that the Coboro Road by Mr. Babcock’s is atrocious even since the road has been graded.  She stated that there is ledge sticking up from the road surface and she is going to loose her oil pan on her car if it is not fixed.

Don Carroll: stated that the amount of money for Road Improvements is designated at Town Meeting,  and that presently there is only enough money in the budget for maintenance and emergency repairs.  Don stated that the weather is bad for work on dirt roads, and will pass all of this evenings concerns on to John Biggar and require him to be at the Selectmen’s meetings to address and answer the concerns of citizens.




Lois Hawes:  addressed a complaint she had received that when culverts are put in and the tubing is removed from the new culverts to put the tubing in the trash, not to leave it on the side of the road.







Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Lois Hawes, it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m.





_______________________________Donald Carroll


_______________________________Brenda Clark


_______________________________Lois Hawes


_______________________________George Hockstadter


_______________________________Terry White (not present)



Minutes recorded by

Diane Lacadie