Date:  June 13, 2012





The meeting was opened with Don Carroll leading the Pledge of Allegiance.



Donald Carroll, Brenda Clark, Charles Leighton, George Hockstadter, and Terry White were present.



                        1.         Approve Meeting Minutes of May 23, 2012

                        Upon motion by Charles Leighton, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to approve the Mar 23, 2012 Minutes.





            D.      WARRANT


1.        Payroll Warrant – Approve warrant  # 18 (1 week) and #19.

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrants #18, and #19.


2.        Expenditures – Approve warrant  # 44 (Town Report) # 45 (News Letter) &  #46 (AP)

Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by George Hockstadter, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant #44.


Upon motion by Charles Leighton, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant #45.


Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant #46 with the verification that Webber Fuels was not double paid for a certain invoice.


Charles Leighton also noted a tid-bit of history by informing the Board that in 1908 the Town Reports cost of printing was $12.50.  (wow)



            Don Carroll reported that the Assessing is finished for the year and there were minimal new buildings.    



1. Open Cleaning Bids

There were 2 bids submitted:

1.  Ruth Shirley       $5,000 per year

2.  Wayne Hawes    $4,500 per year.


Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was unanimously voted to stay with the present cleaners and to award Wayne Hawes the Cleaning Contract in the amount of $4,500.




1.    Election Results

Results were read aloud and passed out to the Board Members and the Public (see attached copy)


2.    Office Closing June 29 (Fiscal End of Year)

Consensus of the Board was to close the office on June 29th 2012 to close out the books.


3.    Computer Addition

Consensus of the Board was to allow the purchase of a new computer for the other office.



A.  ANIMAL CONTROL       Nothing.                                

B.  APPEALS BOARD        Nothing.

C.   CEMETERY        Don informed Charles that he has a volunteer to spread the loom at the cemetery.

D.   CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER   Don reported to Dalton Mullis a building that was built with no building permit and another that is on post and also no building permit issues.                 

            E.  E911   Nothing. 

            F.  EDUCATION          Don reported that the Budget passed and there were only 23 district residents in attendance for that meeting concerning an 11  million dollar budget.

            G.  EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE    Nothing.                   

            H.  EMT/RESCUE                 Kim Tracy was present, and reported that the transmission in the EMS vehicle was slipping and that the Department again voted him as Fire Chief for the 10th year in a row.  Kim is also going to appoint Nancy Watson as the EMS Chief with the support of the Board of Selectmen.  Kim stated that Nancy is doing an excellent job.

I.  FIRE DEPARTMENT      (combined above)

            J.  MEETINGHOUSE           Connie Merrill was present, but stated there was nothing new to report.

K   PARKS & RECREATION         Christy Hewitt is resigning as Co Parks and Rec Director but knows someone whom may be interested and will request that person attend a Selectmen’s Meeting.         

L.  PLANNING BOARD       Meeting on June 21, 2012.

            M. PLUMBING INSPECTOR         Nothing.

N. RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE COLLECTION         Don reported that when he is out and about, he notices a lot of recycling bins on the roadside.                        

            O. ROAD COMMISSIONER            William Barriault was present and reported that the grading of the roads is complete and the roads are in pretty good shape.  He also informed the Board that Mr. Pike has never gotten back to him for a price of hot topping.

P.  STATE LEGISLATIVE CORRESP      Don Carroll reported that the funds for the Salt and Sand shed would most likely not be coming this year.      

Q.   TREASURER     - Computer Purchase (dealt with above)

R.   WELFARE DIRECTOR                        Nothing.

S.   MEMORIAL COMMITTEE        Nothing.


T.    OTHER    Nothing.



V.           TRAINING       Nothing.


VI.          PUBLIC COMMENTS    

Don requested if the public had any comments for which they would like recorded for the record because he was excusing Diane at this time to attend an Emergency Meeting in Milford for her Selectmen duties there.


Donna Archer:  questioned who put the “Explanation of Expenses” in the town Report.  Don informed Mrs. Archer that is was Charles Leighton.  Charles Leighton stated that although it was his idea, Diane Lacadie did the work of putting those figures together.  Mrs. Archer thanked both of them.






(added by Terry White at the June 27th, 2012 Selectmen’s Meeting:  Terry White stated that he would like added to the written that “ Marlene Webber admitted that she was the one that took it upon herself to make photo copies of Terry’s written opinion dealing the Winter Snow Plow Contract and distribute them in the Town of Stetsons Rolling Thunder boxes and Mail boxes.  Terry stated “I myself had nothing to do with that being done”.



There will be an Executive Session on June 27, 2012 dealing with personnel evaluations.




Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting.















____________________________________Donald Carroll


____________________________________Brenda Clark


____________________________________George Hockstadter


____________________________________Charles Leighton


____________________________________Terry White





Minutes recorded by Diane Lacadie