Date:  June 27, 2012





The meeting was opened by Don Carroll leading the Pledge of Allegiance.



 Don Carroll, Brenda Clark, George Hockstadter,  Charles Leighton, and Terry White were present.



                        1.         Approve June 13, 2012 Meeting Minutes- Tabled to include Terry Whites notations dealing with his speech being put in rolling thunder and mail boxes before the elections.


                        2.         Approve Town Meeting Minutes – June 16, 2012.

                        Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by George Hockstadter, it was unanimously voted to approve the June 16, 2012 Town Meeting Minutes.


            C. QUIT CLAIM DEEDS 



            D.  WARRANT

                        1.  Payroll Warrant #20 (Advantage Payroll) (end of year)

Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to approve Payroll Warrant #20.


2.    Expenditures # 47

Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by George Hockstadter, it was unanimously voted to approve Expenditures Warrant #47.

Consensus of the Board was to transfer $65,000 from the Undesignated Account to the Checking Account to cover the Warrants.


            E. BOARD OF ASSESSORS       

            Assessors Agent Danielle Smith requested her hours for the summer months be changed from 9 to 1 on Wednesdays to 8 to 12.

Consensus of the Board approved the change in hours.






1.    Sign Winter Snow Plow Contract

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to take out the “Performance Bond” wording of the contract as the Board feels the Town does not need a Performance Bond with Mr. Webber.

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was voted 3 to 2 to sign the Winter Snow Plow Contract.



            1. Road Side Mowing Bid

Consensus of the Board was to advertise and to have the Bids due back for the July 11, 2012 Selectmen’s Meeting.


MMA Legal opinion dealing with the Town Meeting Vote of the additional $25,000 to Road Maintenance for Loon Cove (SEE ATTACHED EMAIL) explaining why it is legal.



            A.  ANIMAL CONTROL       Nothing.                   

            B.  APPEALS BOARD        Nothing.

            C.  CEMETERY                     Nothing.


            E.  E911          Nothing.

            F.  EDUCATION       Don Carroll reported that there are presently 3 Architectural Firms whom Bids  are being considered to build the new school.


            H. EMT/RESCUE   Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to process and  approve the check for the new EMS vehicle that was approved at Town Meeting on July 2ne 2012 to allow the new vehicle to be picked up.

I.   FIRE DEPARTMENT      Nothing.

            J.  MEETINGHOUSE           George Hockstadter noted that the timers on the lights at the Meeting House need to be changed.

            Connie Merrill was present and thanked Brenda Clark for the nice time and dinner that Brenda had hosted honoring our Veterans. Connie also questioned if the dehumidifier was working properly because the down stairs is again quite damp.  Connie would also like to see a few additional tables purchased and noted that Marty Hipsky would be willing to change the lights.

K. PARKS & RECREATION           Rachel Martin being present was appointed the new Parks and Rec Director.  Rachel noted that there were holes in the bleaches that need to be repaired.

L.  PLANNING BOARD        Don Carroll reported that the Planning Board approved the new home being built on the Cobb Road contingent on an approved septic system.

            M. PLUMBING INSPECTOR          Nothing.

N. RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE COLLECTION         Nothing.                   

            O. ROAD COMMISSIONER           William Barriault was present and stated that he is happy with the way the roads have held up over the spring.  There are a few more pot holes to be filled and a small wash-out at the edge of Mt. Pleasant Road.  Barriault also questioned the timing of when to start the work of paving the Mt. Pleasant Road?

Terry White then questioned the 5 year Road Plan that was discussed at Town Meeting.   Terry stating that this committee should be chaired by the Road Commissioner and to have a Co Chair.  Terry feels this committee should consist of: Local residents, state road people, selectmen etc.

Don Carroll stated that the Board has tried this process before and it did not work mainly because even when you have a  5 year plan a road repair will develop that takes funds to repair.

Barriault stated it is best to have a plan and use the funds we have to the best we can.

P.  STATE LEGISLATIVE CORRESP      Consensus of the Board was to vote for Mike Crooker for the MMA Policy Committee.

            Q. TREASURER       Diane stated that this is a very busy time of year.

R.   WELFARE DIRECTOR                        Nothing.

            S.  OTHER    Nothing.



V.           TRAINING            

Vitals Class dealing with Deaths has been postponed until July 9th.



Julie Brownie: questioned Stetson’s financial responsibility with the school staying opened.  Don Carroll informed her that Stetson is “status quo” until the new school is built.

Delores Butler: Questioned were the new school was to be built and noted that the Morrison school made it happen for making it to the top after a few years.

Brenda Clark:  suggested the new school have a separate drive thru for parents other than the bus drive thru.

Connie Merrill:  Questioned in the 5 year Road Plan was actually voted on at Town Meeting and it was not.  Connie stated she did not feel a 5 year plan was a good idea.

Julie Brownie:  state that prioritizing every year on what needs to be done is a plan in its self.

Don Carroll:  reminded every one that 3 years ago the town decided to concentrate on dirt roads and now the paved roads are falling apart.

William Barriault:  will bring in the written bids to discuss at the next meeting.



George Hockstadter:  stated that Rental fees for the Meeting House should be increased from $25.00 to $50.00 because of the increase cost of running and maintaining the building. 

Don Carroll:  stated rental should be free to residents.

Connie Merrill: felt a programmable thermostat should be installed at both the Meeting House and the Library.



1. Executive Session per M.R.S.A. sec 405(6)(A)    Personnel Matters

Upon motion by Don Carroll, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to enter into Executive Session per MRSA sec 405(6)(A) at 7:40 p.m.


Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to enter back into Public Session at 8:15 p.m.


Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to give Diane Lacadie (Administrative Assistant) a $2,500 raise in here salary effective July 1, 2012.



Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.



Minutes recorded by Diane Lacadie








_______________________________________Donald Carroll


_______________________________________Brenda Clark


_______________________________________George Hockstadter


_______________________________________Charles Leighton


_______________________________________Terry White