Date:  July 27, 2011



I.              OPEN MEETING

Don Carroll opened the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance.



Donald Carroll, Brenda Clark, George Hockstadter, Charles Leighton, and Terry White were present.



                         Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to approve the July 13, 2011 Meeting Minutes.


            C. QUIT CLAIM DEEDS 



            D.  WARRANT


1.    Payroll Warrant – Approve warrant # 5

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant #5.


2.    Expenditures – Approve warrant # 6

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant #6.


            Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by George Hockstadter, it was unanimously voted to transfer $130,000.00 from the undesignated account to the checking account to cover the warrant.


            E. BOARD OF ASSESSORS       


                        1.  Potential Mill Rate

            Three different potential mill rates were presented by Danielle Smith (Assessing Agent):


                        Mill rate                                  Overlay

            1.       0.015200                                 $18,634.73

            2.       0.015400                                 $32,929.06

            3.       0.015600                                 $47,223.38

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to go with a 15.40 mill rate with an overlay of $32,929.06.

The Selectmen commended Danielle Smith for all her hard work and the great job that had been completed for this fiscal year.


ABATEMENT FOR HEWITT: recommended by Danielle Smith.

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Don Carroll, It was unanimously voted to approve abatement for Hewitt in the amount of $438.03




1.    Roadside Mowing Bids

There were 2 bids received:

1. Alan Clark                        $950.00

2. Lambert Diesel and Welding               $1,100.00 or actual of $55.00 per hour.


Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was unanimously voted to Alan Clark’s bid of $950.00.


2.    Snow Plowing Contract

Don Carroll stated he feels that the Board does not have much choice but to renew the contract for this year.  Mr. Webber has stated that he will not honor the contract if there are any changes.  Don stated there is not enough time to go out to bid this year, but requested better bookkeeping records for the fuel surcharge and that the town must go out to bid next year.

Charles Leighton stated that he feels the fuel surcharge is too high along with the 6% increase Mr. Webber has already put in place.  Charles also stated that he realizes that there have been winters with few storms and winter with many storms and that profit or loss has been different during previous years.

Mr. Webber stated that he is less than anyone around and questioned if Sullivan’s contract stayed the same.

Brenda Clark stated that she would like to see the Coboro Road plowed all the way through and not back and forth.


Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Don Carroll, it was voted 3 to 2 to sign the contract as is.  (Don Carroll, George Hockstadter, and Terry White voting Yes, and Brenda Clark and Charles Leighton voting NO.)


The Board then addressed the prices of sand, and the sand and salt mixing for winter preparation:

Richard Webber was $9.50 pre yard plus $1.50 per yard for mixing.

William Barriault was $11.50 per yard (mixing included)

Charles Leighton questioned if the mixing could be completed inside the building?  Don Carroll stated it cannot be mixed inside.  Charles also stated that the amount of sand needed would be over the $5,000.00 mark and should be put out to bid.  Terry White agreed with Mr. Leighton.

Charles also questioned why there was over 1,000 yards rescreened last year.  Webber stated because there were too many rocks.


Upon motion by Charles Leighton, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was voted 3 to 2 to put the purchase of sand out to bid. (Charles Leighton, Brenda Clark, and Terry White


Don Carroll requested the help of Mr. Webber to write the ad for the bid request so that we would have the correct wording for the type of sand the town is seeking in this bid.  Mr. Webber agreed to do so.



1.    Cemetery Monument

Charles Leighton reported to the Board that he had been speaking with Julie Brownie about Oliver Hartwell being the only Revolutionary War Veteran and would like to redo his headstone.  The headstone is very dirty and leaning.  Charles stated that he had looked into the cost and Bob Creighton would fix and straighten the stone for $500.00.  Julie Brownie would donate $100.00 dollars towards the cost.

Don Carroll agreed that this is a Historical Site and should be tended to.

Charles asked that the Board look at the stone and this can be discussed at the next meeting.



            A.  ANIMAL CONTROL       Nothing.


            C.  CEMETERY                    Nothing.






            D.  CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER   -           Don Carroll informed the Board that Al Tempesta was no longer interested in the CEO position, and that Dalton Mullis will be starting next Tuesday and will be working from 8 to noon.                      

            E.  E911         Nothing.

            F.  EDUCATION       Nothing.

            G.  EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE    Nothing.                   

            H.  EMT/RESCUE                Nothing.

I.   FIRE DEPARTMENT     Nothing.


            J.  MEETINGHOUSE   Connie Merrill reported that the Trustees have met and will continue to meet monthly.  She also turned in a copy of the meeting minutes and a list of accomplishments the trustees are working on.

            Also noted was the new sign that was donated by Sign Services, and the board requested a “Thank-you” letter be sent.

                        1. Weather vane

                         The board received a quote to fix the steeple of $7,890.00.  This kind of payment may require a Special Town Meeting to get the funds.  In discussion, it was noted the possible safety issue of not fixing immediately, and how cost could be cut to lower the total bill.  Diane will call Tim O’Donnell from Sunbelt rental to see if we could possible get a better price for the lift.  The Board could also put out to bid to see if another company could do the job for less.

K.  PARKS & RECREATION         Stolen funds being investigated.         

L.  PLANNING BOARD       Nothing.

            M. PLUMBING INSPECTOR.        Nothing.


            O. ROAD COMMISSIONER           William Barriault was present, and addressed the Loon Cove issues and what he felt needed to be done for work on this road.  Barriault felt from the 4 way down needs gravel.  Don Carroll stated that Loon Cove is a Public Easement and needs to be maintained as safe and passable only.  Don stated that there are plans to ditch and gravel down there, but it is not a top priority.  Don felt it was the hot-top driveways that are creating some of the run-off issues because the driveways are higher than the road.


            Q. TREASURER       Diane announced there would be approximately 203 “30 day notices” being mailed on Friday, and that she would be on vacation the next week.

             R.WELFARE DIRECTOR             Nothing.

            S.  MEMORIAL COMMITTEE                     Nothing.       






The URIP agreement was signed by the Board.


The board also publically thanked Peter Webb and Terrance Withee for maintaining the damn for many years.



V.           TRAINING

Diane Lacadie completed the Payroll and 1099 workshop.

MMA convention dates were noted for those whom would like to attend.


VI.          PUBLIC COMMENTS    

Numerous Loon Cove residents were in attendance and addressed their issues and concerns with Loon Cove:

Bill Chadwick, Robert Pitchford, Joyce Doher, Ernest Deroche, Peter Webb, Ray Gallant, Pat Withee and Constance Goslin.

Some of these residents were unhappy with the maintenance of the road and felt fabric and gravel were needed in areas.  Some felt they pay quite a percentage of the taxes in town and should get more for their money.   

Don Carroll explained that the town has $70,000.00 in their Road Maintenance Account and 19 miles of road, 12 miles of which are dirt roads.  “We do the best we can do with what monies we have.”

Charles Leighton stated he empathized with the residents of Loon Cove, but it it’s a “Public Easement” we are required to keep safe, not rebuild.

Terry White stated that the residents should attend Town Meeting and request more funds.

A few residents thanked the Board for the efforts that goes into the care of Loon Cove and its improvements and stated they are aware it cannot all be done at once.


Melodie Bellefleur reminded the Board that she has the Town’s helium tank for storage in the event that it is needed for Stetson Days.  Melodie also questions “ads” being sold in the Town of Stetson’s name for the Stetson Day’s booklet, and asked if those monies will be put in the general fund for the town.  Melodie questioned what would happen in the event that Stetson Day’s runs over budget?  Don Carroll stated there will be accountability and that the town would not pay anything over budget.







Charles Leighton:  stated that he did not run for office to make friends, but to give the tax payers what they deserve and pay for.

Brenda Clark:  Apologized to the Loon Cove residents that were present, but also stated that a lot of residents live on dirt roads, and you need to become accustom to how to drive in the spring and fall.







Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.







____________________________________Donald Carroll


____________________________________Brenda Clark


____________________________________George Hockstadter


____________________________________Charles Leighton


____________________________________Terry White










Minutes recorded by Diane Lacadie