Date:  September 14, 2011





 The meeting was opened by Don Carroll leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 



Donald Carroll, Brenda Clark, Charles Leighton, and Terry White were present.  George Hockstadter was absent.



                        1.         Approve August 24, 2011 Meeting Minutes

                  Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was voted 4 to 0 to approve the August 24, 2011 Meeting Minutes.


            C. QUIT CLAIM DEEDS 



            D.  WARRANT


1.    Payroll Warrant – Approve warrant #14 & #15

Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was voted 4 to 0 to approve Warrant #14.

Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was voted 4 to 0 to approve Warrant #15.


2.    Expenditures – Approve warrant # 16

Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was voted 4 – 0 to approve Warrant #16.


Consensus of the Board was to transfer $60,000.00 from the Checking Account to the Undesignated Account. (per signature transfer page)


            E. BOARD OF ASSESSORS       

Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was voted 4  - 0 to approve the following 2 Abatements and 1 Supplemental:

Abatements:            Jeff and Judy Young $46.05 and Juanita Mitchell $2687.30.

Supplemental:         Russell Lanpher III  $2687.30.



1.    MMA Convention

The Convention is October 5th and 6th.

Donald Carroll, Terry White, Charles Leighton, Diane Lacadie, and Catherine Fisher will be attending Wednesday October 5th.

Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was voted 3 to 1 to allow the closing of the office so that the office staff could attend the Convention on the 5th (Wed). (Don Carroll voting No)


2.    Weather vane @ Meeting House

Don Carroll reporting that the Weather vane is ready to go back up and that Charles Leighton has done an excellent job repairing it.  It has a bright shiny silver ball and looks great.  Don stated that he has contacted the Company furnishing the lift, and as soon as the lift is available the repair and project will be completed.


Don also reported that the work fair crew from the Penobscot County Sherriff’s Department has been put on hold temporarily.  There is hope in the future that the program will come to life again when the jails are no longer as crowded and the program can be set back in place.


3.    Municipal Plowing Contract

Consensus of the Board was to put the Municipal Plowing Contract out to bid and to have the bids due back September 28, 2011 by 3:30 and to be opened at the regular scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting on the 28th of September.



1.    News Letter

Don Carroll questioned the Board for any issues or concerns that they would like to see in the Selectmen’s Corner of the upcoming news letter:

Fall Clean Up     October 15, 2011

Rabies Clinic     November 19, 2011

Office Closing   October 5th   MMA Convention



            A.  ANIMAL CONTROL       Nothing.

B.  APPEALS BOARD        Nothing.

C.  CEMETERY        Charles Leighton reported that he had spoken to Newport Monument and the cost to clean, straighten, and repair all of the stones on the Hartwell cemetery plot would be $500.00.  There would be an additional cost of $150.00 for a black marble plaque reading Oliver Hartwell  1761 to 1854 and Revolutionary Soldier 1775 to 1783.  Consensus of the Board was to have this project completed before Winter.

            D.  CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER   Nothing.       

            E.  E911         Nothing.

            F.  EDUCATION       Don reported that there will be an Evaluation Letter sent to random residents dealing with School Functions.

            G.  EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE    Kim Tracy was present by the request of Don Carroll to deal with the storm related emergencies.   Kim explained that the Fire Department is dispatched by 911 to deal with such emergencies.  Don questioned how to co-ordinate the protocol of CMP, Fire Department, and Road Commissioner.   Kim stated that it is dealt with through 911 and surrounding mutual aid, but would also keep Road Commissioner and Don Carroll informed.

            H.  EMT/RESCUE                Nothing.

I.   FIRE DEPARTMENT     Kim requested that Don Carroll sign a form dealing with seeking an MMA grant for hearing protection.  Kim also reported that there are presently 14 volunteers on the Department.

            J.  MEETINGHOUSE           Nothing.

K.  PARKS & RECREATION         Soccer has started.

L.  PLANNING BOARD       Nothing.

            M. PLUMBING INSPECTOR         Nothing.


            O. ROAD COMMISSIONER           William Barriault was present


            Q. TREASURER      Diane Lacadie reported that the Town of Stetson has received a healthy dividend check from the Town’s MMA Risk Management Insurance for a job well done.  This dividend check is awarded when there are no personnel injuries, the yearly municipal audit shows the towns accounts in could standings and the “checks and balances” are in place.   This year the Town was awarded $801.00.   

            The Board thanked the staff and volunteers for a job well done.

R.   WELFARE DIRECTOR                        Nothing.

S.   MEMORIAL COMMITTEE        Don Carroll stated that now would be a good time to plant the bulbs for next year to allow the new dirt to be placed on top of the bulbs.  Marlene Webber agreed and questioned where the funds would come from to purchase the new bulbs.  Don informed her that there is presently $1391.96 in the War Memorial Fund.  Marlene stated that she would talk to Mr. Foss on the cost of the bulbs and get back to the board.  Charles Leighton also reported that he had been questioned if the War Memorial was a Community Project and has heard others are interested in being involved.  Marlene Webber stated that Community involvement is good until those that volunteer bail ship.  Marlene also stated that she would prefer to work alone.

Marlene also informed the Board that she would like to clear up a misconception being aired in town. Marlene stated that she has never accused Brenda Clark of killing the flowers in front of the Memorial stone.  Marlene stated what she did say, “Is after Brenda was asked to take pictures of the flower in bloom for next years front cover of the Town Report, the flowers were poisoned with what Marlene feels was bleach and died. 


T.    OTHER   


V.           TRAINING

Both Diane and Cathy will be attending a mandated Vitals Class on Tuesday Sept 20th , and both will be attending the MMA Convention on Oct. 5th.



Mr. Pitchford was present and expressed the Loon Cove resident’s appreciation for the work that has been done on Loon Cove.   

Marlene Webber also informed Mr. Leighton that volunteers do not always stand behind their commitments and that she would continue to do the flowers in the Memorial Park.

Don Carroll stated that he had seen Marlene the Friday before Stetson Days and that she looked exhausted.  Don publically thanked Marlene for all her hard work and sympathized with her for the volunteers not standing behind their commitments.









Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was voted 4 to 0 to adjourn the meeting.







_______________________________Donald Carroll


_______________________________Brenda Clark


_________________________George Hockstadter (not present)


_______________________________Charles Leighton


_______________________________Terry White