Date: September 28, 2011 @ 6:00p.m.



The meeting was opened by Don Carroll leading the Pledge of Allegiance.


            A. ROLL CALL

            Don Carroll, Brenda Clark, George Hockstadter, and Charles Leighton.  Terry White was absent



                        1. September 14, 2011

            Upon motion by Charles Leighton, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was voted 3 to 0 to approve the September 14th minutes.  (George Hockstadter did not vote, as he was not present at that meeting.)


            C. QUIT CLAIM DEEDS



            D. WARRANTS

                        1. Payroll Warrant - # 18 & #19

            Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was voted 4 to 0 to approve Warrant #18.

            Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant #19


                        2. Expenditures Warrant #17 & # 20

            Warrant # 17 was officially signed by the Consensus of the Board because it had been approved at the previous meeting on September 14, 2011.


            Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was voted 4 to 0 to approve Warrant #20 with the exception of $44.99 that was for the Tank guard at the Food Cupboard.  (It is the responsibility of the Food Cupboard to pay the $44.99)


            E.  BOARD OF ASSESSORS

Don Carroll reported that Stetson’s Assessors Agent Danielle Smith had fallen into a well and hurt her ankle.




            1.  Report on repaired Weather Vane @ Meeting House

            Charles Leighton reported that the wooden part of the weather vane had just rotted over the years and that is why it was starting to lean.  He replaced a portion of the weather vane with a silver ball, and had to add 11 feet to tighten and secure it.  Consensus of the Board was that it looks great.




            1.  Bid Opening for Municipal Plowing

            There was only 1 bid submitted:

            Clyde Gray   -           $7,000.00

            Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was voted 4 to 0 to accept Clyde Grays bid and to ask him about a turn-a-round on Mt. Pleasant Road.


            2.  Cabinet at Meeting House

            Don Carroll informed the Board that he has received a request from the Church Group that is renting the meeting house.  They have requested to build a cabinet to store their supplies in and to be able to keep that cabinet at the meeting house locked up.  Don question the old boy scouts cabinet that is presently in the down stairs of the meeting house and suggested that we contact someone to remove the lock from that cabinet and allow the church group to use it.  Delores Butler stated she believes Theresa Gray has a key to that cabinet.  Consensus of the Board was to allow the church group to build the cabinet if arrangements could not be made to use the one already in place.

Other Board Comments:

George Hockstadter stated that the electric and gas bills are increasing because of the increased usage and that next year the price for rental should be increased.

Don Carroll stated that there should be a reminder posted somehow so that the heat will be turned down after being rented.

Charles Leighton stated that it is nice that the building is being used.




            A. ANIMAL CONTROL        Nothing.

            B. APPEALS BOARD         Nothing.

            C. CEMETERY         Charles Leighton reported that the cost of the repair and clean up of the stones will be $500.00 and the marble plaque will be $150.00.  Charles also reported that the Historical Society is going to donate the $100.00 for the marble plaque.

The Board thanked the Historical Society.

            D. CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER    Nothing.

            E. E911          Nothing.

            F. EDUCATION.       Nothing.


            H. EMT/RESCUE     Nothing.

            I. FIRE DEPARTMENT       Nothing.

            J. MEETINGHOUSE            Nothing.

            K. PARKS & RECREATION          The Administrative Assistant reported to the Board that the building used to store concession supplies has been broken into.  The doors was busted in and the window broken.  The police have been called, and the Parks and Recreation Leaders are considering selling the building that was purchased by them last year.

            L. PLANNING BOARD        Nothing.

            M. PLUMBING INSPECTOR         Nothing.

            N. RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE COLLECTION         George Hockstadter reported that he will do the Collection for the Town that is scheduled on October 15, 2011

            O. ROAD COMMISSIONER           William Barriault was present and reported to the Board that he is pretty much caught up on the projects previously discussed.  William stated that there is 1 more section on the Mt. Pleasant road that needs some work and will possibly do some hot- top patching.

            P. STATE LEGISLATIVE CORRESP       Nothing.

            Q. TREASURER      Nothing.

            R. WELFARE DIRECTOR             By consensus, the Board signed the new GA 2011/2012 GA Appendices.

S.  MEMORIAL COMMITTEE         Don Carroll stated that he will talk to Mr. Foss about bulbs to be planted.



            Diane reported that Mary Annett had called concerning the light on the left side of the entry door was not working, and wanted to know who was going to install the new screens in the windows.

Don Carroll stated he believed there are light bulbs up there to replace the light bulb and the screens just slide in.

Delores Butler being present stated that she will look for the bulbs, and that Amy and herself could install the screens.



Reminder to those attending the MMA Convention on October 5, 2011.

















IX.             ADJOURNMENT

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was voted 4 to 0 to adjourn the meeting.






_______________________________________Donald Carroll


_______________________________________Brenda Clark


_______________________________________George Hockstadter


_______________________________________Charles Leighton


_______________________________________Terry White (not present)