Date:  November 22, 2011





The meeting was called to order by Don Carroll leading the Pledge of Allegiance.



Don Carroll, Brenda Clark, George Hockstadter, Charles Leighton, and Terry White were present.




1.     Approve Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2011

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was voted 4 to 1 to approve the November 9, 2011 meeting minutes.  (Terry White abstained because he was not present at that meeting.)





            D.   WARRANT


1.        Payroll Warrant – Approve warrant  # 2 (Advantage Payroll)

Upon motion by Don Carroll, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was unanimously voted to approve Payroll Warrant #2 (Advantage Payroll)


2.        Expenditures – Approve warrant  # 27

Upon motion by Terry White, seconded by George Hockstadter, it was unanimously voted to approve Warrant #27 but to hold Sullivan’s Waste Check until Don Carroll had time to call and verify the amount and Brenda Clark voting “No” on the bill presented by Irving Currier.

Brenda Clark also had concerns of approximately $502.00 being spent on flowers for the Memorial Park.

Consensus of the board was to transfer $150,000 from the checking account to the Undesignated Account.



An Abatement request from Mona Booker recommended by Assessors Agent Danielle Smith to grant abatement in the amount of $896.28 (dollar) or $58,200.00 (in Valuation) because burned to the ground before April 1, 2011.  Home burnt on March 17, 2011.

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was unanimously voted to grant the Abatement in the dollar amount of $896.28.










1.    Office Procedures / and or alarm codes

Don Carroll explained to the Board that there is an issue of concern in the office with someone entering when the office is closed and copying documents, some of which may contain confidential information.  This concern will be solved, as those documents will now be filed in locked cabinets.

Diane requested that if the Board wanted documents in the office to request those documents and visually go over them and not to take copies out of the office.  Some of the documents that have been requested have some confidential information on them.  Although Board member have a right to all information, it is in the best interest in the town that copies of confidential information is not floating around out there to the public.


2.    3 year contract review and status

The Board was given a copy of the last 3 year Winter Snow Plowing contract that was used from 2001 to 2004 to preview before going out to bid.  The Solid Waste contact will remain potentially the same except changing from 1 year to 3 years.





A.  ANIMAL CONTROL       Don Carroll had concerns of the number of cats at a location on Lakins Road and the well being of those cats.  Diane explained that the situation has been dealt with as some will be given away to become barn cats.

           B.  APPEALS BOARD                      Nothing.

C.   CEMETERY        Nothing.

D.   CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER   Nothing.                                          

            E.  E911          The Mt. Pleasant road sign is again missing therefore Don Carroll questioned if the Town is using the Tamper free screws to deter the signs being stolen.  (the road commissioner will look into what is being used for screws.)

            F.  EDUCATION

                        1. Request from school to use Meeting House for a play   

            Lori Arena has requested to use the upstairs of the Meeting House for a Christmas play the school is having and for the Town to waive the fees associated with the rental.

            Consensus of the board was to allow the use and waive the fees as long as there was enough supervision while children were in attendance.       

            G.  EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE    Nothing.                   

            H.  EMT/RESCUE                 Nothing.

             I.   FIRE DEPARTMENT                Kim Tracy was present and informed the Board that the Rescue truck needs new tires and the cheapest place to get them is Sears.  The Town does not have an account with Sears therefore Mr. Tracy requested to get a total purchase price from Sears and to have a check cut to replace the tires out of the EMS budget.  Consensus of the Board was to grant this request.

            Don Carroll questioned if the Department is loosing or gaining personnel?  Kim stated the Department presently has 14 people.

            Kim also addressed the Board with the need of new air bottles that are required to be replaced by the year 2015.  The department has recently purchased 4 of them at a cost of $3,200 and department has a total of 20 air bottles.  Kim requested to be involved at Budget time to make some type of request to replace the air bottles and noted that there is only 1 more payment on the Engine of $18,075.  Don Carroll explained that the final payment would be made in the 2012 budget.  Kim requested that the town consider a new EMS vehicle when the engine was paid off.

            Kim also informed the Board that the batteries have been removed from the old Smoke Detectors at the meeting house again.

            Don Carroll also requested that Overhead door be contacted to find out when the scheduled maintenance was to be done. 

            The Board congratulated Kim Tracy on his new job as a Professor of Fireology.

            J.  MEETINGHOUSE           Nothing.

K   PARKS & RECREATION             Nothing.

L.  PLANNING BOARD         Nothing.

            M. PLUMBING INSPECTOR                    Nothing.




                        1.         Gravel

            Mr. Barriault was present and requested to stock pile 10 loads of gravel somewhere in the town for use in the spring.  Consensus of the Board was that it was a little late for that and that the gravel would be frozen in the spring.  Barriault also reported the roads are presently being graded.  Lois Hawes reported that there are vehicles that are making track marks on the Mt. Pleasant road.

            Barriault also requested that the town order more sign post and hardware for the street signs.


Q.   TREASURER     Nothing.

R.   WELFARE DIRECTOR                        Nothing.       

S.   MEMORIAL COMMITTEE        Don Carroll questioned who placed the “Real Heroes Wear Dog Tags” sign on the memorial site.  Marlene Webber being present stated she paid for the sign and placed it there.  Don requested that the sign be removed as it is offensive to some because there are other heroes such as firemen, police, and some veterans do not wear dog tags and find the sign to be offensive.



T.    OTHER   

Mrs. Miles requested that a reminder be put in the next newsletter inquiring of names to be added to the stone, Don Carroll stated he would do that.  Don explained that the cost of 1 name added to the stone would be the same cost as 6 or 7 names.  The consensus of the Board was to add the Revolutionary War name and also Civil War Veterans names.


V.           TRAINING

Diane attended training in Augusta dealing Personnel Practices and Procedures.

Cathy and Melissa attended a Web ex training dealing with General Ledger accounts.


VI.          PUBLIC COMMENTS    

Lois Hawes addressed the Chairman of the Board requesting to address one of the Board Members directly.  With permission granted, Lois addressed George Hockstadter questioning if He addressed the Town Administrative Assistant abruptly and rudely in the office in front of other employees and customers?  George responded Yes, he did and he has apologized for doing so.  Lois then addressed George Hockstadter again, “as a private citizen of Stetson, and a Tax payer, I request that  you resign as a Board Member.  George apologized and stated he would not resign.  George then disbursed to the Board members a letter from Attorney Cox in response to recent events that have taken place and are ongoing issues and concerns. 

Diane Lacadie requested a 5 minute break, and upon her return requested that the other Board members find a way to deal with the above issues because things were getting way out of hand.  With things the way they are at this time between George and myself, it is in the best interest of the town that things be dealt with and put to rest!


Consensus of the Board at this time was to adjourn the meeting immediately.












Upon motion by Charles Leighton, seconded by Terry White, it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:20  p.m.







_______________________________________Donald Carroll


_______________________________________Brenda Clark


_______________________________________George Hockstadter


_______________________________________Charles Leighton


_______________________________________Terry White